10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (2024)

We enjoy water kefir all year round as a fermented beverage full of healthy probiotics. Even our dog, Pearl, looks forward to her daily allotment each morning. It helps all of us maintain gut health. It’s our most consistent ferment.

While kombucha is more popular and well known, I find water kefir to be easier to ferment and a lot tastier! To learn more about this easy ferment and how to make it, check out my post, How to Ferment Water Kefir.

During the summer months though I especially look forward to making flavored bottles of water kefir in a second fermentation step.

This offers a bubbly refreshing fruity alternative to sodas, juices, or other sugar filled beverages that are tempting as thirst quenchers. I love experimenting with different flavor options!

Why Drink Water Kefir?

  • It’s a probiotic rich drink full of valuable enzymes, B vitamins, and minerals.
  • Water kefir is a great dairy free alternative to milk kefir while offering the same benefits.
  • Drinking it regularly helps maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract.
  • It aids the immune system by optimizing gut health.
  • With proper care you can use the same set of grains indefinitely to continuously ferment.

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (1)

How to Make Carbonated and Flavored Water Kefir

What You Will Need:

  • a clean sealed container for fermenting in like swing top bottles, clean soda or water bottles, or even a jar
  • finished water kefir
  • flavoring of your choice
  • a small funnel

Notes and Tips for Flavored Water Kefir:

I use 16 oz swing top bottles for my second ferment. Some people prefer 32 oz bottles. I know others who use plastic bottles for their second ferment to completely avoid the possibility of exploding glass. That’s a great option if you’re absent minded about burping your ferments.

To flavor or carbonate water kefir you need finished water kefir or water kefir that has gone through the first fermentation process.

Flavorings can be anything from fresh fruit to juice to dried fruit or herbs and spices. For a 16 oz bottle I recommend adding 1/4 cup of juice, 1/8 cup of sliced fresh fruit, and just dash or a few leaves of spices or herbs. If you’re using a strong juice like lemon or lime start with only 1/8 cup of juice.

If you only wish to flavor your water kefir, you could move the bottles to the fridge immediately.

To carbonate the water kefir in addition to flavoring, leave the bottles out for 24 to 72 hours to undergo a second ferment. Remember to burp the bottles once a day! Pressure can build up quickly and lead to exploding bottles that are both dangerous and messy.

I’ve also taken to burping the bottles outside after having to clean watermelon off the ceiling once due to an unexpected pressure change. That sort of pressure has never occurred again but once was enough.

Flavored Water Kefir Directions:

1. Add your flavoring of choice to the bottom of your bottle or container.

2. Use the little funnel to pour the finished water kefir in. Leave at least 1 inch of head space of the top of the bottle.

3. To carbonate and flavor, allow 24 to 72 hrs for a second ferment. Burp the bottles once a day!

4. When the bottles have carbonation, move them to the fridge until you’re ready to enjoy. The cold stops the fermentation process and make the beverage even more refreshing.

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (2)

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try

All recipes are to make one 16 oz bottle of flavored water kefir and require adding just under 16 oz of finished water kefir.

1. Strawberry Pineapple

  • 1 medium strawberry sliced
  • 1 pineapple ring sliced or 3-4 chunks
  • 1/8 cup pineapple juice

2. Pineapple Mint

  • 1 pineapple ring sliced or 3-4 chunks
  • 1/8 cup pineapple juice
  • 5 – 6 mint leaves (chopped or muddled will give even more flavor)

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (3)

3. Strawberry Watermelon with Lemon

  • 1 medium strawberry sliced
  • 1 watermelon chunk sliced (about 1/8 cup)
  • 1/8 cup lemon juice

4. Blackberry

  • 4 – 5 blackberries muddled up

Note: This is one that we definitely strain right before drinking to avoid annoying seeds. If you like mint, a few leaves are a refreshing addition to the blackberry

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (4)

5. Mango Ginger

  • 1 mango slice cut up or muddled (about 1/8 cup)
  • 1/2 inch to 1 inch piece of ginger minced depending on how strong you like your ginger

6. Ginger Beer

  • 1/2 inch to 1 inch piece of ginger minced
  • 1/8 cup lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

7. Strawberry Lemonade

  • 1 medium to large strawberry sliced
  • 1/8 cup lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (5)

8. Lemon Lime

  • a tbsp lemon juice
  • a tbsp lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

9. Mojito

  • 1/8 cup lime juice
  • 6 to 8 mint leaves chopped or muddled
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

10. Watermelon with Lemon Cucumber

  • 1 watermelon chunk sliced (about 1/8 cup)
  • half of a lemon cucumber sliced (about 1/8 cup)

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (6)

Have you tried water kefir before? What are your favorite fruit flavor combinations for summer drinks?

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (7) 10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (8)

10 Flavored Water Kefir Recipes to Try this Summer - LIFE'S A PEARL (2024)


What are the best flavors for kefir? ›

Our Favorite Milk Kefir Flavoring Ideas:

Citrus fruit peels. Vanilla + cinnamon. Cocoa powder. Garlic or onion (for use in savory kefir dip)

How do you make flavored water kefir? ›

All you have to do is put some water kefir grains in sugar water, add some dried fruit and a slice of citrus fruit, and then wait 48 hours. The sugar water turns into an effervescent soda full of good microorganisms!

What fruit is good for water kefir? ›

fresh berries (strawberries, huckleberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.) Pineapple, apples, pears, or Frozen fruit, or fruit juice will work too. Water- Tap water or well water is generally best when making water kefir- or use “still” mineral water.

Is kefir water better than kombucha? ›

Kefir is creamy, slightly sour, and often compared to a thinned yogurt. Kombucha is carbonated, and it has a vinegar smell, bitter taste, and characteristic slimy live culture that often sits at the bottom.

How much kefir should you drink per day? ›

How much should you drink? Kefir can be a healthy and delicious addition to a well-rounded diet. For best results, stick to around 1–3 cups (237–710 mL) per day and pair it with a variety of other fermented foods and beverages to increase your intake of probiotics.

Which kefir is best for sleep? ›

Goats milk kefir is the very best food supplement choice to help you sleep, as it contains both tryptophan and live bacteria to aid your gut bugs.

What is the best sugar for water kefir? ›

Good: Rapadura Sugar

Rapadura (and similarly pressed cane sugars called sucanat or panela) is the least refined sugar. It's produced by pressing the pure juice from the sugar cane, then cooking at low temps to evaporate the water.

How do you make water kefir taste better? ›

You can add your first-stage strained liquid to fruit juice. Add ¼-½ cup (depending on how you like it) per 1 quart of water kefir. You can add around 2tsp of extracts like vanilla or maple for a sweet flavor. Try crushed berries and other fresh or dried fruits at about ½ cup per quart.

What is the best way to flavor homemade kefir? ›

Stir, shake, or blend any of the below ingredients with your already fermented milk kefir:
  1. honey or agave.
  2. fruit purees.
  3. fresh pressed juices.
  4. fresh or frozen berries.
  5. chopped fruit (mangoes, stone fruits, pears)
  6. fresh ground spices (vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric)
  7. Or try our Golden Milk Kefir Recipe!

Why add raisins to water kefir? ›

Add a small handful of raisins to your next culturing batch, ensuring the raisins are free of oil and sulfur. Your grains will feast upon the natural sugar. Fun fact, if you eat the raisins after the culturing time, they won't be sweet anymore. Bonus: because of the extra fruit sugar, extra carbonation should develop.

Is water kefir a laxative? ›

So even though kefir may act as a mild laxative, it did not cause diarrhea or softer stools for people who have normal bowel movements.

Should I stir my water kefir? ›

Before pouring in the fermented water kefir, give it a good stir with a spoon to evenly distribute the probiotics. Then pour it into the bottles, allowing the grains to collect in the strainer. Leave a little airspace at the top of the bottle.

What is the disadvantage of water kefir? ›

Potential drawbacks of water kefir

Some water kefir you find in store may have high levels of added sugar. Since water kefir is usually made with dairy, it also may not work for people who are lactose intolerant or follow a dairy-free diet.

Is kefir water good for your kidneys? ›

Drinking kefir water can help maintain your blood sugar (glucose) levels. Avoiding high and low glucose levels is essential for patients with diabetes — it helps prevent cardiovascular, vision, and kidney problems. Bacteria strains in kefir may help muscle cells increase glucose absorption.

Can you drink too much kefir water? ›

If your digestive system isn't able to handle kefir, you might experience a variety of common side effects ranging from cramping to bloating and even diarrhea in some cases. You will likely deal with symptoms of nausea and abdominal pain if it is messing with your digestive system too much.

What makes kefir taste better? ›

You can add any kind of berries to your kefir and change the flavor. Berries are high in vitamin C and have strong anti-inflammatory properties. You can even add dried strawberries for a yummy flavor too.

Is flavored kefir still good for you? ›

Kefir tastes like liquid yogurt and comes in plain and flavored varieties. “Watch out for sugar content in flavored kefir,” warns Sommer. “Too much sugar takes away from the health benefits of kefir. Pick products lower in sugar or stick with plain.”

How do you make good tasting kefir? ›

It's extremely simple. Add about a teaspoon of these kefir grains to a cup of milk, cover the glass, and let it sit out at room temperature for about 24 hours. During this time, the healthy bacterias and yeast in the kefir grains will ferment the milk, preventing it from spoiling while transforming it into kefir.

Can I flavor my kefir? ›


Whole vanilla beans or cinnamon sticks can be used as well. Vanilla Approx. 1/4- 1/3 tsp pure vanilla extract to 1 cup finished milk kefir. To sweeten, add in 1/2-1 tsp sugar/1 tsp honey/pinch stevia/1 tsp maple syrup.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.