Study Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (2024)

Study Pack #4 - Energyand Motion


1. Describe the concept of work.
2. Describe the concepts of kinetic and potential energy.
3. Become familiar with various forms of energy.
4. Perform simple calculations involving energy conservation.
4.1. Introduction:When a given force is applied to an object, we have learned that motionmay result, depending on whether the force is balanced by other forces.When a force is applied to an object and movement occurs, work is saidto done by the force. Without movement, there is no work. Work is definedin such a way that it is especially useful in looking at motion from adifferent point of view than the view taken in Study Pack #2. Our taskin Study Pack #4 is to define work properly and then see how it relatesto the concept of energy. Work then becomes one of the inputs in a grandaccounting scheme called the law of conservation of energy. This law isfundamental in describing many aspects of the atmosphere as a medium inwhich many forms of energy are cycled.
4.2. The meaning of work:The physics definition of work is very special and has little to dowith the usual meaning of work as used in everyday English. Work in thephysics sense is defined as the product of the average force acting continuouslyon an object and the component distance through which the object movesparallel to the force. The unit of work is called the joule (J). One jouleis defined as 1 newton of force times 1 meter of movement parallel to theforce. A related concept is power, which is the rate at which work is done.A rate of 1 joule per second is defined as 1 watt of power.

Study Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (1)

When the motion of an object acted on by a force is alreadyparallel to that force, the work done by the force is easily computed.For example, as a rock weighing 5 newtons falls 2 meters to the ground,the gravity force does an amount of work (5 N)´(2 m) = 10 J. But if the force and the motion are not parallel, the computationis harder and requires the use of trigonometry. Let us assume that a cartis constrained to move on a straight track. A 10-N force is applied continuouslyto the cart as it moves along the track a distance of 2 m. If the 10-Nforce is applied parallel to the track, the work done by the force is (10N)´ (2 m) = 20 J. On the other hand, ifthe force is perpendicular to the track, there is no net motion in thisperpendicular direction, and the work done by this force is zero. If theforce is at an angle with respect to the track, we first find the amountof movement parallel to the force and then multiply this component valueby the force. Figure 2-1 shows how to find this. First, a "line" is drawnalong the direction of the force at the starting point. Then a second "line"is drawn through the final position of the object so that this second lineis perpendicular to the first line. The effective parallel distance isthen the distance from the starting position to the second "line," as shown.Those readers who know about vectors or trigonometry may recognize thisas the component of the cart's displacement that is parallel to the directionof the force. If the force is opposite in direction to the motion, i.e.,if the cart above backs up as the force is applied, the work is considerednegative.

4.3. Conservation of energy:The importance of defining work as we have is that in this definition,work is a quantity that fits neatly into a framework where it is one ofmany forms of energy. In this framework, when work is done on an object,energy is added to or subtracted from the object (or its immediate surroundings).Thus, when 1 joule of work is done, and no losses occur because of friction,the effect is that the object in a sense now has that 1 joule of energy.The energy can take many forms, however. One form comes from the very factthat the object may continue to move after the force no longer acts. Theobject is said to have kinetic energy KE, or energy of motion. Other formsof energy can be identified. For example, the energy may be present butstored in a form that can be retrieved, as when a spring is compressed.As an example, let us consider a book that starts at rest on a table top.Several actions can be imagined.Case 1 If the book is pushed horizontally alongthe table top, and if no friction is present, the effect of the work isto give the book a velocity. The book then has KE, and the laws of physicsstate that the book's KE is exactly equal to the work done. The relationis Work done = change in KE = (1/2)m(vf2-vi2),where m is the mass of the book in kg, and vfand vi are the final andinitial velocities in m/s. For a given amount of work on an object, nomatter what the object's mass is, the change in KE is the same value. Thus,if two separate books, one large and one small are given the same amountof work energy, the large (massive) book has less velocity than the smallbook. Yet, the KE of each is identical.

Case 2 A completely different effect of the workmight be to lift the book against the force of gravity, resulting not ina change in speed but rather in placing the book in an elevated positionso that the energy is "stored." Under this circ*mstance, the book is saidto have gravitational potential energy PE. The work done to lift the bookat constant velocity is the weight of the book (mg) times the height inmeters through which the book is lifted (h). This work is stored as gravitationalpotential energy PE = mgh, where g is the acceleration of gravity (g =9.8 m/s2). The energy is stored in thesense that if the book is dropped from its new elevated position, it willhave a KE of exactly the same amount when it reaches its original positionas if the work had gone directly into motion. This fact is a manifestationof the law of conservation of energy. The stored work is availableto be transferred without loss into an equivalent amount of KE.

Other forms of energy can be discussed that may at firstglance seem rather different from kinetic and potential energy as discussedup to now. Heat energy is an example. We have all had the experience ofrubbing two objects together thereby making them warm. Here, the forceacts against friction and the effect of the work is to create heat energy.Heat energy is actually a form of kinetic energy on a microscopic scalewhere the motion is in the vibration or other movement of individual atomsor molecules. We will explore this concept in more detail in Study Pack#5. Another form of energy, especially important in the atmosphere, isthat carried by electromagnetic radiation in the forms of visible light,infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation and X rays. Electromagnetic radiationis the subject of Study Pack #6.

Energy also can be stored in the form of chemical bondingof the atoms or molecules. The forces that act between atoms are complex.At certain separation distances the atoms repel each other, whereas atother separation distances the same atoms attract each other. This canresult in two or more atoms being bound together in a semi-stable configuration(i.e., a molecule) that when disturbed can be broken apart. When the bondsare broken, the atoms fly apart and release the same amount of energy asthe work originally done by Nature to build the molecule. The burning ofwood is an example. Finally, energy can be stored as temporary excitationsof the atoms or the molecules into their allowed energy states.

In the natural world, energy constantly changes from oneform to another. If this were not so, the world would be stagnant and lifeless.The truly wonderful principle of conservation of energy is a statementthat it is possible to design a conceptual accounting system in which theenergy flow can be tracked. The total energy contained within the systemstays constant unless external work is done on the system to add or subtractenergy. For a completely isolated system to which no work or other formsof energy are added, energy is said to be conserved. When energy is lostto one part of the system, we can be sure that the exact same amount ofenergy will reappear in another part of the system, although it may bein a different form. This is indeed a powerful reasoning tool. Mathematically,the law of energy conservation is

Study Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (2),
in which the term WNetincludes the work done by all forces. In practice, for our purposes, itis convenient to subtract off the work done by gravity, place this termon the right side of the equal sign and call it the change in gravitationalPE. In this form the law becomes
Study Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (3).
Often, the work done by forces other than gravity isnegligible, andStudy Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (4) iszero. This means that all of the KE gained by an object comes from a lossin gravitational PE.
4.4. A Simplified Overview--the Earth's Energy Balance:How do these ideas apply to our atmosphere? The answerto that question is an entire book, but here is a start. Two figures inyour textbook, Figures 2.14 and 2.15, are especially helpful to refer toas you read. The sun radiates electromagnetic energy over the full spectralrange. Electromagnetic energy will be discussed at length in Study Pack#6, but for now we only need to know that it represents an input of energyto the earth and its atmosphere. Most of this electromagnetic energy isin those parts of the spectrum we call infrared (IR), visible, ultraviolet(UV and X ray. Part of this solar energy impinges on the earth. Measurementsfrom rockets and satellites tell us that the power received at the topof the earth's atmosphere from the sun is about 1,400 watts/m2.All other sources of energy input are negligible for our purposes.

Some of the incident solar energy is reflected back outand has no effect on the earth's energy balance. Only the part of the solarenergy that is absorbed represents energy added. Over the long haul, inorder for the earth and its atmosphere to be in equilibrium, equal amountsof energy must be radiated back out to space. If more energy comes in thangoes out, Earth's average temperature would have to rise, unless the excesscould be stored (for example, by melting some of the ice cap). The energyis cycled in numerous ways before eventually being radiated back out tospace. Some of the energy, especially the X-ray and UV parts of the spectrum,is absorbed at great heights and heats the upper atmosphere. The visibleand much of the IR penetrate to the surface and heat the surface. The warmedsurface then re-radiates IR energy, which in turn is absorbed by watervapor in the air (and to some extent by carbon dioxide) to heat the lowerpart of the atmosphere. The warmed lower atmosphere re-emits energy, partof which gets re absorbed by the surface to be recycled and part of whichfinds its way back out to space. The cycling of energy is indeed a veryinvolved process that involves much detail. But the net effect is to poweratmospheric motions and cause weather systems and is a very important ideato keep in mind as we work our way through the course.

2-1. Explain why doing work as defined in the noteshas nothing to do with the amount of effort expended in pushing on an object.

2-2. How much work is done when a 2.0-kg book is liftedfrom one end of a table carried to the other end 3.0 meters away and placedback on the table?

2-3. A 5.0-kg box slides at constant speed on a frictionless,horizontal tabletop. The gravity force, of course, pulls downward on thebox with a force of mg = (5 kg)´(9.8 m/s2) = 49 N. As the boxmoves 1/2 meter along the tabletop, what amount of work is done by thegravity force?

Study Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (5)

2-4. A box is pushed by a force F = 20 N up theincline shown.

a) What is the work done by the force F?
b) What is the change in gravitational PE?
c) What must be the increase in KE of the box?

2-5. A woman who has a mass of 60 kg weighs 590 N.(Do you know why this is true?) If she climbs a flight of stairs 6 metershigh in 5 seconds, she is expending energy at a power level of

(1) 300 watts (2) 500 watts (3) 700 watts (4) 900 watts(5) 1,200 watts

2-6. A food calorie, also called a kilocalorie (kcal)is actually a form of chemical potential energy. (1.0 kcal = 4,184 J).A peanut butter sandwich contains about 300 kcal, assuming a normal amountof peanut butter. Estimate how many peanut butter sandwiches the womanof problem 5 must eat in order to supply her with enough energy to climba 1 km high mountain. Assume that half the food she eats goes into justmaintaining normal body function as she climbs.

2-7. One parcel of air having a relatively large densityis next to a second parcel of air having a lesser density. One would expectthe higher density air to tend to undermine the lesser density air so thatwhen all has settled down, the higher density air is on the bottom andthe lesser density air is on the top. Which one or more of the followingare true?

a) The denser air gains PE as it sinks below the lighterair.
b) The lighter air gains PE as it rises above the denserair.
c) There will be a net gain in PE for the system.

(1) a (2) b (3) c (4) a and c (5) b and c

2-8. Figures 2.14 and 2.15 are very useful to study carefully.Based on these figures answer the following questions.

a) What fraction of the incident solar energy has noeffect on the earth's energy balance?
b) Which is more important at the earth's surface, energyabsorbed directly from the sun or energy absorbed by ground from IR emittedby the atmosphere?
c) What is the single most important mechanism by whichthe atmosphere is warmed?
d) Assume you are out in space looking at the earth andare equipped with instruments to measure the various types of radiant energy..From what source does virtually all of the visible light you see come?From what source does most of the IR you see with your IR sensors come?
Study Pack #4 - Energy and Motion (2024)


What is the study of motion and energy? ›

The branch of physical science, dealing with motion of bodies, forces, their energies etc. is called mechanics. It is further divided into dynamics, statics and kinematics.

What is the conservation of energy unit 4? ›

law of conservation of energy - energy is never created or destroyed; it is transferred or transformed from one form to another. non-conservative force - forces that cause energy to be converted into forms that cannot be easily regained; examples are friction and air resistance.

What is force and motion for 6th grade? ›

Force and Motion are related

An object at rest can only be put into motion by a cause. When you push a stationary cart, it starts to move. This cause is the force you've applied. Force can cause an object to move, it can cause an object to change direction, and it can cause an object to slow down and stop.

Is the study of matter energy and motion? ›

Physics can, at base, be defined as the science of matter, motion, and energy. Its laws are typically expressed with economy and precision in the language of mathematics.

What energy is motion called? ›

The energy associated with an object's motion is called kinetic energy. A speeding bullet, a walking person, and electromagnetic radiation like light all have kinetic energy.

What type of scientists studies energy and motion? ›

Scientists who study motion, forces, and energy are called physicists. They specialize in the field of physics, which is a branch of science that deals with the fundamental principles of the universe, including the behavior of matter and energy in various forms and scales.

What are 4 examples of force and motion? ›

Out on the playground you can see even bigger and better examples of force and motion. Climbing, jumping, running, chasing, throwing, and sliding all use force and motion.

What are Newton's laws for 6th graders? ›

First Law: An object in motion stays in motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. Second Law: Force is equal to the mass of an object times its acceleration (F=ma). Third Law: For every force acting on an object, that object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object.

What is motion grade 5? ›

• Motion: is a change in position over time. o Motion has two parts: distance and direction • Distance: is the length of the arrow on the grid and can be measured with a ruler. o Distance units : meters (m) and kilometers (Km) • Direction: is where the arrow is pointing.

What is physics short answer? ›

Physics is the scientific study of physical phenomena like the motion of matter and energy and force. It helps us to understand the world around us. Physics is the most fundamental part of science.

What is stored energy called? ›

Potential energy is stored energy and the energy of position. Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.

What are the 5 importances of physics? ›

The importance of physics lies in its role in education, research, and practical applications in various fields such as engineering, technology, biology, medicine, and industry.

What is the study of motion called? ›

2. It is broken down into two parts, kinematics and dynamics. 3. Kinematics is the ''how '' of motion, that is, the study of how objects move, without concerning that why they move.

What is the study of energy movement called? ›

Thermodynamics refers to the study of energy and energy transfer involving physical matter.

What is study in motion called? ›

Kinematics is the study of an object's motion.

What is the study of energy called? ›

Energetics is the study of energy, and may refer to: Thermodynamics, branch of physics and chemistry that deals with energy, work and heat. Bioenergetics, field in biochemistry that concerns energy flow through living systems and cells.

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